5th Class Notes KPK Text Board

Notes of SCIENCE Class 5th

Unit No 1 to 5



Q I-A): Put a tick (√) in front of a right statement and a cross for (x) a wrong one.

(i)-Animals with similar characteristics are placed in one group.

(ii)-Reptiles have hair on their bodies. x

(iii)-Bat is a mammal that can fly.√

(iii)-The largest group of plants is flowering plants.√

(iv)-Veins of a dicot leaf run parallel to each other. x


(b) Match the animals in column A with their respective class in column


List- A ---- List B

Pigeon -----Bird

Rohu ----- Fish

Buffalo ---- Mammal

Frog ---- Amphibian

Lizard ----- Reptile


(c) Encircle the correct answer.

1)  Classification of animals and plants is called:

(a) Taxonomy (b) Ecology (d) Botany (c) Morphology

(ii) All these are flowering plants except:

 (a) Sun flower (b) Moss  (c) Jasmine  (d) Rose

(iii) Running birds lost their ability of flight due to:

a ) Their life style b ) Living in water

(c) having no enemies (d) diseases

iv)- All are the characteristics of mammals except:

(a) hair on the body b ) Hard rough skin

 c ) Babies feed on milk d ) Give birth to babies

(v) Monocot plants can be differentiated from Dicot plants by the characteristics of

a ) roots deep in the soil  b ) grow in deserts only

c ) hard and woody stem  d ) Number of Cotyledons


(d) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.


 (i) Non Flowering Plants generally grow in damp soil places.

(ii) Monocots and Dicots are the subgroups of Flowering plants

(iii) Insects and Worms are the subgroups of invertebrates.

(iv) Those Vertebrates which respire through gills are Fishes.

(v) Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles all belong to the group of Reptiles


02: Write short answers to the following questions.

(i) Name the colours which are found in algae.

Ans : Algae are green , red and brow

(ii) Write two main characteristics of animals.

Ans:1) Animals can move from place to place.

2) They move in search of food or to save themselves from the enemies.

  (iii)  List some characteristics of amphibians?

Ans:1)Amphibians can live both in water and on land.

2)Their skin is moist and slippery. Examples: Frog, toad, etc

 (iv) Mention two characteristics of flowering plants?

Ans: (1) Flowering plants produce flowers for their reproduction.

 (2) These plants produces seeds. Examples: sunflower, Rose

 (v) What are the characteristics of insects?

Ans:1) Insects have three pairs of legs here.

 2) Body of insects can be differentiated into three parts, head,thorax and abdomen.

 3) Insects have two antennal on their head.

 (vi) Differentiate between plants and animals?




(i) Animals cannot prepare their own food

(i) Plants can prepare their own food

(ii) They can move from one place to another

(ii) They can not move from one place of another.


Q3: Write answer to the following questions.

(i)Define classification. How the organisms are classified?


Placing the things into groups and subgroups on the basis of similarities is called classification. In classification, similar thing are kept in one group. The similarity may be in their shape, size, physical structure, colour etc.


(ii)Briefly describe major groups of living organisms.


All the living things are divided into five main groups.


It is very small organisms, which we cannot see with our naked eyes some of them are useful while some harmful.


Algae are green, they do not have roots, stem leaf, flower and fruit they are present in water in the form of threads.


Fungi is like fluffy mass appears on the stale bread.


Plants are the living organisms that can prepare their own food. They live both in water and in on land and cannot move from one place to another. They have roots, stems, leaves, etc.


Animals cannot prepare their own food and can move from place to place. They live almost everywhere.

 (iii)Classify vertebrates into their subgroups?


Vertebrates have backbone in their body. They are further divided into five classes.


Fish live in water and respire by gills. There are many kinds like shark, cod, trout, etc.


It can live both in water and on land. Their skin is moist and slippery. Frog, tod etc. are examples.


Reptiles are completely land vertebrates they lay eggs, their skin is hard, rough and bears scales on it. Lizards, Snakes, Tortoise are examples.

Birds: -

The body of birds is covered with feathers. Birds can fly. Their bones are hallow. Sparrow, crow and pigeon are the examples of birds.


These vertebrates give birth to young ones and the mother feeds the babies with her milk. They have hairs on their bodies. Goat, cow, buffalo are examples.


(iv) How can we differentiate a monocot plant from a dicot plant?


 Seed of monocot is made of only one cotyledon examples maize wheat, rice. Seed of Dicot are two cotyledons examples are mango, peanut, beans. In monocot leaf, veins are parallel and in Dicot leaf is thick and make a network.


(v)Describe different types of invertebrates.


These organisms do not have backbone in their bodies housefly, mosquito, ant, butterfly etc are examples.






QI( A): Put a tick (P) on right option a cross (x) for a wrong one.

i) All the viruses are harmful. √

(ii) A fungus yeast converts milk into curd. X

(iii) Infections of microorganisms could be avoided by observing cleanliness.√

(iv) The most important benefit of bacteria and fungi is to decompose the dead bodies of animals and plants.√

(v) Bacteria and fungi are simple plants. X


Q1 (B) Match column A with column A and B




 (1) Tuberculosis (TB)


(2) Hepatitis


(3) Microorganisms


(4) Ringworrns


(5) Immunity

Power to control germs


Q1 (c) Encircle the correct answer.


(i) Microorganisms can only be seen with an equipment called.

a ) Microscope

 (ii) First antibiotic was extracted from a:

(b) Fungus

(iii) Hepatitis and polio is caused by:

(c) Virus

(iv) The microorganism used in baking industry is:

(b) Yeast

(V) All of these are benefits of bacteria except:

(b) Oxygen production


Q 1 (D) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

(i) Virus can survive only inside a cell organism.

(ii) The natural ability of the body to resist diseases is called immunity.

(iii) The edible fungi are called yeast

(iv) Infection caused by microorganism can be avoided by keeping ourselves cleanliness.

(v) Dough is raised due to the action of yeast


Q2: Write short answers to the following questions.

(i) When and by whom were the virus discovered?

Ans: Virus were discovered by W-Stainly in 1935.

(ii) What is the name of the group of the edible fungus?

Ans: Yeast is group of the edible fungus.

(iii) Which medicines are used to cure bacterial diseases?

Ans: To control the bacterial disease medicines called antibiotics are used.

(iv) How can viruses survive?

Ans: Virus can only survive inside a living cell. As they come out of the cell they make crystals like non living things.

(v) Name two viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

Ans: Viruses causes influenza, Measels and hepatitis. Bacteria cause Tuberculosis and cholera. Fungi cause ringworm and athlete's foot diseases.


Q3: Write answers to the following questions.

(1)How do we get infection from microorganisms?


 An infection is a condition in which a disease causing microorganism enters the body through mouth, Nose and ound of an organism and start growing there. This growth of microorganism causes disease in the body.

(2)What are the benefits of bacteria and fungi?


Bacteria convert milk into yogurt, sugar syrup into alcohol.

Bacteria are also used to clean waste by decomposition Yeast is a beneficial, microscopic fungus which raises dough in the flour.

It is used in baking industry on a very large scale.

(3) How can we protect ourselves from the infections of microorganisms?


Infection can be avoided by observing cleanliness. Observing Islamic values of washing hands before and after eating and brushing teeth, taking regular bath it can save us from infection.





QI( A): Put a tick (√ ) on right option a cross (x) for a wrong one.

(i) All seeds have two cotyledons. X

(ii) Seeds do not need light for germination, X

(iii) Wheat, maize, barley and gram are all monocots.X

(iv) Some seeds can grow without air. X

(v) Food is stored in seed coat. X


Q1 (B) Match the terms in column.



List A

List B




French Bean Seed


Seed coat


Stored food


Q 1(C) Choose the correct answer.

(i) Seed coat is called as

(a ) Testa7

(ii) Cotyledons are very important because they:

(c ) Store food


(iii) A seed kept at low temperature does not grow because of

(d ) Proper temperature

(iv) The process in which seed grows into a new plant is called:

(a ) Germination

(v) All are important for germination except:

(c ) Moonlight

(vi) The young plant present in the seed is called:

(c ) Embryo


Q1 (D) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

(i) Seeds are of two main types.

(ii) Stored food is present in the cotyledons of the seed,

(iii) Seeds need proper conditions to grow well.

(iv) We eat different seeds because they have stored food.

(V) A seed has a hard outer coat called seed coat.


Q2: Write short answers to the following questions.

(i) In which part of the plant food for young plant is stored?

Ans: Cotyledons contain stored food for the growth of a new plant.

(ii)  Why seeds stored in plastic bags do not grow?

Ans: In plastic bags oxygen could not reach the seeds therefore seeds did not grow.

(iii) Name environmental factors which help seed to grow?

Ans: Seeds require soil water, air, light and proper temperature for germination.

(iv) Can we grow the seeds in complete darkness?

Ans: We can not grow the seed in complete darkness.

(V) How can some of the plants be grown from the parts other than seeds?

Ans: Some plants can be grown by the body of plants like stem,roots, and leaves.


Q3: Write answers of the following questions at least in four lines.

(1)Classify seeds on the basis of their cotyledons?


Seeds are of two types.

(1) Monocoty ledonous seeds which have only one cotyledon e . g , wheat , rice , maize.

(2) Dicotyledonous seeds:- which are composed of two cotyledons. Example French bean, pea, etc.


(ii) Describe the functions of cotyledons?

Ans: Cotyledons are very important parts of a seed.

(i) Cotyledons protect the body plant or embryo inside theSeed.

(ii) Cotyledons provide food to embryo until it becomes able to prepare its own food from its own leaves.


(iii)List condition necessary for the germination of seeds?

Ans: Seeds require soil water, air light and heat for their growth. If any one of these conditions is missed, the seed will not grow at all or will show poor growth.


(iv)What is the role of water in the germination of seeds?

Ans: When the seed is soaked in water its swell up by absorbing water. Food present in cotyledons gets dissolved in the water. The embryo absorbs and utilizes this food and grows into a new plant.





Q1 (A): Fill in the blanks.

(i) Any harmful change in the environment is called pollution.

(ii) Car and buses give off large amount of harmful gasses.

(iii) We need clean air for breathing

(iv) Dead plants and animals are biodegradable

(v) Planting trees is the best way to reduce air pollution


Q1 (b) Choose the correct answers.

i) Pollution is mostly caused by

(c) People

ii) The main cause of air pollution is

(b) Burning fuels

(iii) Which of the following are non-biodegradable materials?

(c) Plastics

(iv) Which of the following produces harmful gases?

(d) motor vehicles

(v) Which of the following things are Biodegradable?

(c) dead plants


Q2: Answer the following questions.

(I) Define environment?

Ans: We all use water, air and land to live. These things make an environment.

(ii) What is pollution?

 Ans: Pollution is a harmful change in our environment.

(iii) Name the types of pollution?

Ans: There are three main kinds of pollution. Water pollution, air pollution and land pollution.

(iv) How can we use non-biodegradable materials again?

Ans:Non-biodegradable materials such as to be plastic bags, empty cans, electricity wires, fused bulbs and broken parts of machines etc are recycled to be used again in industry.

(v) Make a list of non-biodegradable materials.

Ans: Non biodegradable materials are plastic glass, electricity  wires, plastic bags, empty cans etc.


Q3: Write the answer in detail?

1.What measures can we take to reduce water and air pollution?


 We should use water with care. It should not be wasted, farmers should use fertilizers with care. People should not throw rubbish and wastes in water. To reduce air pollution people should not burn rubbish in open air. Check-up motor vehicles can reduce the poisonous gases. Planting trees is the best way to reduce air pollution.

2.How does pollution effect human beings?


 If we use polluted water we may get diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and skin diseases.


(iii) Explain how do non-Biodegradable materials pollute our environment?


Non-biodegradable materials can not be changed by natural methods to useful aterials. These things pollute our land and water. If these things are thrown in water, they can block water flow, If thrown on land will affect the beauty of our land.


(iv) Distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable things?


Biodegradable things are those, which are degraded naturally. These materials are then used by plants. Dead animals, plants and leftover foods are examples of biodegradable materials. Non-biodegradable things are those which can not degraded by natural methods. Such things always pollute our environment e.g. plastic bags, glass, mptycans fused bulbs etc.



Chapter 5


Q 1- ( A): Fill in the blanks:

(i) Matter exists in three states.

(ii) Boiling point of pure water is 100°C

(iii) Moisture is tiny droplet of water

(iv) In solids, molecules are closely packed.

(v) Liquid adopts the shape of the container.


(B) Select the correct answer for the following statements.


(i) State of matter which has definite shape and volume is called:

(a) Solid

(ii) It fills all the space available:

(b) gas

(iii) Change of state from liquid to solid is:


(a) Freezing

(iv) In water cycle, the sun plays important role in:

(b) Evaporation

(v) The attractive force between molecules is stronger in:

(b) Solid


(C) Match the appropriate words in column A with that of words in column B.




Frozen water fall from clouds


Water drops falling from clouds


Moisture settle on plants


Thick cloud at low hight


Boiling point of water


Melting point of water

0 c



Q2: Give short answer to these questions.

(I) Define matter?

Ans: Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

(ii) Name the processes involved in converting solid into liquid and then liquid into gas.

Ans: When heat is added to material it converting from solid to liquid is called melting proeess and then liquid to gas is called boiling process.

(iii) Define boiling point of water?

Ans: Boiling point:

The temperature at which the vapour pressure of liquid become equal to atmospheric pressure, then the liquid starts boiling. This is called boiling point. The boiling point of pure water is 100°c.

(iv) Define melting point of water?

Ans: Melting point:

The temperature at which the solid starts changing into liquid is known as melting point. The melting point of pure water is 0°c.

 How the fog is formed?

 Ans: Fog is the droplet of water vapours suspended in the air and are much close to the ground.


Q 3: Give answer to these questions in details.

(1) How are solid, liquid and gases different from one another?

Ans: Solid has a fixed shape and volume. In solid molecules are closely packed together which gives a definite shape. Examples are wood, glass, iron etc. Liquid has a definite volume but it does not have fixed shape. Liquid flows easily. Examples are water, milk, oil etc. Gas has neither definite shape nor a definite volume. Particles (molecules) of gas are packed easily. Examples are air oxygen, etc.


(2) Explain the water cycle? How is it necessary for the life of animals and plants?

Ans:As the sun shines, water evaporates continuously from occans, rivers, lakes and glaciers and converts into clouds condense and change into water drops. the water drops fall on the earth as snow or rain. This rain water flows as streams and reaches to lakes, rivers and oceans water cycle is very necessary for life of animals and plants.


(3) Discuss the effect of heat on matter? Show this effect through an experiment.

Ans: Take some ice cub in a beaker and heat it. The ice change in water. When the water heated more it change into water vapours. Which shows that the matter changes with heat in its three shapes.


(4) Write five example of each state of matter?

 Ans: Solid has a fixed shape and volume examples are wood, glass, iron, gold, stone etc liquid does not have fixed shape it flows easily, examples are water, milk, oil, juice honey etc.