Set Default Font with Base Element in HTML

Basefont HTML Element

With the help of <basefont> element you can set the default font of your webpage. Base font is applied on the whole document. <basefont> tag is not supported in HTML5 and in some browser. <basefont> element use following attributes:

Attribute Name  Function
Color set the Font color.
Face  Set the Font Face.
Size Specify the Font size


<basefont Attribute1="Value" Attribute2="Value"...... />


The <basefont> element is set inside the head of this document:


 <basefont size="4"/>


<Basefont> attribute

Color: The color attribute changes the color of the text that follows the basefont element.

<basefont size="2" color="purple">

This attribute takes as its value a recognized color name such as "blue" or "red" or a value specified in hexadecimal format for example, "#003366".

Face (HTML attribute):

The face attribute allows the author to define fonts to be displayed .


<basefont size="2" face="Courier New, Courier, monospace">

Size (HTML attribute):

The size attribute for basefont is supposed to affect the base size of text for the document.


<basefont size="7"/>