Clauses of Select Statment in SQL

GROUP BY Clause in SQL

GROUP BY clause in SQl is used for arrange the same type of data in to groups. GROUP BY clause is used in SELECT statement with aggregate functions .

For example if we have a following table with some payment Record of customer:

customer_name city Payments
Tauqeer Karachi 50000
 Zia Lahore 20000
Noman Karachi 30000
Tauqeer Karachi 10000
Noman Karachi 15000
Zia Lahore 30000

Now from this table if we want to calculate and display the total payment of each customer then we use SELECT statement with SUM function and GROUP BY Clause. Where SUM Function calculate the sum of payment column  by making GROUP of column customer_name.

SELECT customer_name, SUM(payments) AS Net_Payments FROM payments

GROUP BY customer-name ;

 The above statement produced the following result :

customer_name Net_Payments
Tauqeer 60000
 Zia 50000
Noman 45000