MS Excel Tutorial About COUNTIF

COUNTIF Function In MS Excel

The COUNTIF function, one of Excel's COUNT functions, is used to count up the number of cells in a selected range that meet specified criteria. Where criteria is anylogical expression.

The syntax for the COUNTIF function is:

=COUNTIF ( Range, Criteria)

where Range is the group of cells the function is to search. and Criteria determines whether the cell is to be counted or not.

For Example if we have the exam record of the different students and we want to calculate (Count ) the number of the student ho achieve more the 500 marks.

For example in given table

countif function

This table show the Exam record of Five Student. If we want to found the record of those student how have get more then 500 marks .

If we want to found that how many student have score more then 500 marks then we use COUNTIF Function.

  • First Select the Cell Where you want to Count The student record. in My case C11

  • Select Formulas Menu and Click on Insert Function and select the Statistical Function and then COUNTIF function Form Category List.

  • Select The range and Criteria ( As we discus above). In my case range is C4 to C8 and criteria is >=500

countif function

  • Click on Ok Button.

countif function

 we also write the function in the Cell where we want to calculate. as given below

= COUNTIF (C4 : C8 , >=500 )

where C4:C8 is Our Range and ' >=500 ' is our criteria
